Belize Ambassador

Belikin Beer And Other Belizean Beers

Belikin beerFamous Belikin Beer

Belikin Beer pretty much dominates the beer Belizeans drink. The Belikin Brewery is rumored to have agreements with the government to make it almost impossible for another brewery to exist in Belize. On the upside, Belikin has some decent beers and has even ventured off the standard lager path and into some tasty stouts and seasonal beers. The craft beer movement might still be a ways away, but there are some promising signs. Here is a quick look at its different variants, along with a couple of non-Belikin beers.

• Belikin Standard Green Cap – This is a pretty standard lager, and is very drinkable compared to the other versions in surrounding countries. It is basic, overall, but good.

• Belikin Blue Cap – It comes in the same bottle as the standard Belikin Beer. The only way to tell the different flavors is to check the caps. The blue cap designates a stout is inside. Of the Belizean beers, this gets top honors. This dark, slightly sweet stout is in balance with a fair amount of hops and notes of molasses. Mildly carbonated makes for a smooth drinkable stout.

Belikin beer• Belikin Chocolate Stout – If you open one of these gold foiled beers, do not be shocked when you find stuff floating in it because it is supposed to be in there. This interesting brew’s flavor comes from cacao nibs in the brew process. A few of these nibs are what you will find when you peel back the foil. While sipping this beer, you will get spicy hits along with semi-sweet tastes.

• Belikin Printed Label – This is a traditional Caribbean lager. It is relatively well balanced with a hint of maltiness.

• Belikin Draft – You might not be sure if this is a different brew or just a marketing attempt with a new can as the beer tastes very similar to the Standard Belikin, maybe slightly lighter.

• Lighthouse Lager – When you pop the top of this lager, your nose will find a skunked smell. It is reminiscent of Heineken, and the green glass bottle might contribute to the slightly skunked taste and smell. It is somewhat lighter in body and color than the flagship Belikin.

• Kabuli – New to the Belize Beer scene is a good alternative to lighthouse for a lighter flavored and bodied brew. Watch the green bottles as beer management is not very good in Belize. It might be left in the sun and get skunked.

• Dragon Stout – This is super sweet milk stout with plenty of lactose sugars, heavy molasses, and a hint of oak. It is overall a very good beer, and is a bit on the dark side. It is brewed in Jamaica.

• Makieson XXX Milk Stout – This is a favorite Caribbean milk stouts, which is very popular in very warm climates. It has heavy molasses and creaminess, and is on the low side of alcohol content for this style.

To learn more about Belikin Beer and the beers and drinks that Belize has to offer, check out the Belikin Beer and Beautiful Belize website. You should also find information about this beautiful country and things that it has to offer.